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Indochina Reflections 1975-2017

We began writing about Vietnam in the early 1970's.  From 1970 through 2017, we either lived there or travelled there often: more than twenty times.  Below are a selection of early articles from the Far Eastern Economic Review plus some more recent reflections.

2005: the Story of Ong Nguoi

Vietnam has come to occupy a special place in my career and my personal life.  From 2005 a look back at the life of a remarkable Vietnamese man,

Bao Chi 1970-73

For the green 22 year old, pitching up in Saigon and becoming a war correspondent was deceptively simple.  Anyone with two letters from any two media organizations could receive a coveted MACV card, the equivalent rank of Major in the US Army, and free transport on a space available basis anywhere in South Vietnam.  It was only later that the rookie came to appreciate that this adventure was a serious business enhanced by considerable danger.   

No China Visa, Vietnam instead
In late 1969, while a student of history and Asian studies at the American University in Washington D.C., I made a risky decision that would shape the rest of my life. I dropped out of school, boarded a plane, and ended up in Saigon.
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